When we began work on the sign, we posted pictures of our first few mosaic sessions and a description of the process. Now that the sign is installed, I thought I would share a few more pictures of the process and bits of the story of its' creation.
The earlier post featured work on the first side of the sign, shown below.

Here, the work table for the beginning of the second side.
One young artist became interested in painting glue on her hands to "stamp" on the mosaic - as an alternative we suggested tracing her hand and then painting that with glue and gluing down pieces to better record the image of her hand. Here is that first hand beside that of a friend and her mom - the idea quickly spread.In our after school studio, work on the mosaic was a favorite, each eager to add a hand to the composition.
This artist compares her hand with her mosaic creation.
More artists and more hands and then the final piece - background complete.
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