In his article, The Maker Mindset, Dale Doherty writes:
All together, makers are seeking an alternative to being regarded as consumers, rejecting the idea that you are defined by what you buy. Instead, makers have a sense of what they can do and what they can learn to do. Like artists, they are motivated by internal goals, not extrinsic rewards. They are inspired by the work of others. Most importantly, they do not wait until the future to create and make. They feel an urgency to do something now - or lose the opportunity to do it at all.This idea of making as an alternative to consuming is rich. I see this all the time, particularly in 3D work in the studio. Young artists make play sets, props for a school event, a new toy dog to replace a doll's lost companion, instruments, gifts, magazines, the list goes on.
The urgency of making and the excitement around ideas and making connections resonates with our studio practice as well.